Monday, June 8, 2009

Local Markets

I've talked many times about CSA (or Community Supported Agriculture) boxes. If you're lucky, in your area you'll be able to find a farm that will deliver the freshest produce to your door once a week during the summer. It's a great way to support local farms and it's probably the best single thing you can do to reduce ye olde carbon footprint.

Not everyone has access to a CSA program, so you may have to be a little more ambitious about seeking out a farmers' market. Or maybe you'll just get lucky, as I did last Thursday. While wandering around somewhat aimlessly on my lunch break, I discovered a farmers' market just around the corner from my office in Boston.

The Boston Public Market has set up a farmers' market on Tuesdays and Thursday, from May through October, right in downtown Boston. With over a dozen vendors selling produce, breads, and other farm-fresh products, the market is going to make it easy for me to stock up twice a week on my way home from work. (As a side note, this also is a smart way to quiet the Rose Kennedy Greenway detractors who think that the green area in the city is a waste.)

If you're in Boston, check out the market in Dewey Square. If you live elsewhere, I hope you stumble upon a market of your own!


David said...
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David said...

One great on-line resource for farmers markets, local food, etc. is That is how I found my CSA in D.C. ( Coincidentally, I had the pleasure of visiting my Loudoun County farmer last weekend for strawberry picking with the family. There aren't many fruit experiences better than finding and eating that sun-warmed, jewel-like ruby red strawberry among the prickly greens and clover.

local markets said...

Thanks for sharing such great post, i totally agree that by buying local product we can support our local community. According to me by purchasing local products you are encouraging the small business owners to grow their businesses and they employ more people.