Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Farm for the Future

One of my favorite topics on this blog is food. One of the easiest and yet most effective ways to living a more sustainability life occurs when we chose what to eat every day. Your food choices have a wide-ranging impact on the environment, and we should all be more aware of where our food comes from and how it ends up on the table.

But of course, awareness is only part of the problem. As our planet's population increases, we face the growing problem of how to feed all those people. How can we move towards more sustainable agriculture when there are people starving in the world even now?

The BBC has recently produced a documentary on this very subject (which I discovered on the Civil Eats blog). Called A Farm for the Future, the program shows how Rebecca Hosking explored how she might turn her family's farm in Devon, England into a farm that doesn't use any fossil fuels. As you might expect, nature holds the key.

You can watch the entire video below. As you can imagine, it's extremely well done and very interesting:

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