Thursday, July 31, 2008

Battleground Earth—I couldn’t make this up

I mentioned a couple of days ago in my post about organic wine that I’ve discovered a channel called Planet Green. The channel is part of the Discovery Channel family of networks, and is dedicated to sustainable living programming. I was watching again the other day when a advertisement for a new show came on, featuring Tommy Lee and Ludacris.

Seriously, I couldn’t make this up. Tommy Lee (that Tommy Lee) and Ludacris (yes, the rapper) are competing in a show called Battleground Earth. How awesome is that? Check out the description of the show:

BATTLEGROUND EARTH: LUDACRIS vs. TOMMY LEE challenges hip hop superstar Chris Ludacris Bridges and rock god Tommy Lee to battle against the toxic forces destroying Mother Earth as they travel across the country on a 10-episode tour.

Amazing! Who knew that these two guys would sign up to spread awareness with their ecorages in an effort to ‘save Mutha Earth’?

You can say what you want about Tommy Lee and Ludacris and their music. I think this is fantastic. Yes, it is cheesy and ridiculous—but everything with Tommy Lee and Ludacris is ridiculous. A combined effort? That’s off the charts! But at the same time, if someone is a fan of one of those artists watches the show and rethinks how they are living, that more than outweighs the cheese. While I don’t know any of them personally, it appears that Tommy Lee and Ludacris have lots of fans. Maybe some of them tune in and get inspired because of the star power. We can always hope!

Nicely done guys!

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