Monday, September 22, 2008

350 Challenge

Check out the badge on the left-hand side of the blog: Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge. By posting the badge on my blog, Brighter Planet has agreed to offset 350 pounds of CO2 in my name. Why 350 pounds? It's an awareness campaign -- we can keep our planet healthy by keeping CO2 to under 350 parts per million in our atmosphere.

Brighter Planet is a Vermont organization that is dedicated to spreading awareness about climate change. They focus on educating people about how to take small steps in their own lives to promote sustainability. They offer conservation tips, carbon offsets, and ways to track your climate impact. I like their dedication to the idea that "small actions can lead to meaningful change." That idea is what drives this blog more than any other.

So now I have a lovely PDF of a certificate in my name for helping to fight climate change and for being personally responsible for offsetting 350 pounds of CO2! To celebrate, I took my out ATV and did doughnuts in the school parking lot until it ran out of gas. ;-)

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