Thursday, September 25, 2008

Boston Green Fest

This weekend is the Boston Green Fest. The fest is taking place on City Hall Plaza Friday and Saturday, from 10am - 5pm each day. The event is billed as a Neighborhood Wake-Up Call. It's about community organizing, bringing people together to discuss issues, and spreading awareness.

There seems to be all sorts of activities over the course of the two days. I'd love to catch some of Dr. George Woodwell's talk. He's the former director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institure, and he speaks on Friday morning. I'm also curious to see what the solar energy workshops are all about.

I love that this event is focused on what people can accomplish, right now, in their own neighborhoods. Sometimes the specter of global warming can be quite intimidating. It's like the Nothing from The Neverending Story -- an abstract menace that affects our entire planet. That's why events like a Boston Green Fest are so valuable. People need to know that there are small things they can start doing right now to make a real difference.

I am planning on heading down to the Fest some time tomorrow during the day. I'm not sure what the event will actually be like, but I'd love to support the effort and see what kind of reaction it gets. If I can to spend some time over at the event tomorrow, I'll post my thoughts tomorrow afternoon. See you there!

Is this what Global warming looks like? Where is the Rockbiter when we need him? Does anyone even know what I am talking about right now?

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